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SCI and TM Book Collection

Business Books: Click on image to access cataloging record. Short book description with citation below.

Consciousness-based leadership and management:. Volume 1: Vedic and other philosophical approaches to oneness and flourishing
Self empower: Using self-coaching, Neuroadaptability, and ayurveda. Dharma Publications.
World-class brain: The edge that helps peak performers succeed and how you can develop it.
The coherence code: How to maximize your performance and success in business: For individuals, teams, and organizations
Consciousness-Based education: A foundation for teaching and learning in the academic disciplines: A series of 12 volumes: Vol. 8. Consciousness-Based education and management
Invincible leadership: Building peak performance organizations by harnessing the unlimited power of consciousness
Maharishi University of Management: Wholeness on the move
Success from within: Discovering the inner state that creates personal fulfillment and business success
The enlightened management: Building high-performance people
Management of stress: Using TM at work
TM* and business: Personal and corporate benefits of inner development (*TM, the transcendental meditation program).

Business Books With Description and Citation