Vol. 8. Consciousness-Based education and management by Dennis Heaton, Jane Schmidt-Wilk, Bruce McCollum (Eds.).Call Number: LB2322.2 .C67 2011 v.8
Publication Date: 2011
Citation: Llewellyn, D., Pearson, C., & Heaton, D., Schmidt-Wilk, J., McCollum, B. (Eds.). (2011). Consciousness-Based education: A foundation for teaching and learning in the academic disciplines: A series of 12 volumes: Vol. 8. Consciousness-Based education and management. Maharishi University of Management Press. [the entire title should be in italics]
Management theories and practices have come and gone by the score over the last century. Consciousness-Based management traces management to its ultimate source in human consciousness. All aspects of management, from leadership to organizational behavior, from ethics to human resource management, are expressions of human consciousness, of human creative intelligence. If we can understand the dynamics of consciousness, we can understand the fundamental dynamics of management. And if we can systematically develop consciousness—that is, increase creative intelligence in the individual and the organization—we can systematically improve management at every level. [12 articles in this volume, 428 pages]