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MIU Maharishi Vedic Science Dissertations. Click on any field to bring up full-text dissertation.

2023 Blake, Owen Richard Burnout , League of Legends , Stress , Transcendental meditation
2023 Fenwick, Dianne Maharishi’s Reading Vedic Literature Program—A Pathway to Refined Perception
2023 Karasis, Dimitrios Principles of Maharishi Vedic Science in the Yoga Vāsishṭha
2023 KMT-Sisouvong, Abiona Irungu Baruti The experience of pure consciousness as described within Maharishi Vedic Science and expressed among secular thought and life-systems. 
2023 Luhaste, Viktori Maharishi Ayurveda Integrated Approach to Mental Health: The Effect of Maharishi AyurVeda Treatments for Anxiety and Depression Symptoms. A Mixed Methods Study Within a Whole System Research Project (WSR)
2022 Biegeleisen, Louis K. The Chemistry of Consciousness: Consciousness-Based Chemistry and Maharishi Vedic Science
2022 Ho, Yick Oi Janet Principles of Management in the Dao De Jing: A Grounded Theory Analysis in Light of Maharishi Vedic Science
2022 Runkle, Susan J. Consciousness and Veda: Research into Direct Experience of the Self-Interacting Dynamics of Transcendental Consciousness through Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness, Including Vedic Sound
2020 Gillorie, Star A. Testing the Efficacy of Maharishi Gandharva Veda<sup>SM</sup> Music as an Intervention in Decreasing the Effects of the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: A Pilot Study
2020 Hyer, Brandy Caroline Generation after Generation: Maintaining Maharishi’s Revival of Vedic Knowledge: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis
2020 Saunders, Patricia Exploring the Possibility of Greater Fulfillment in Daily Life through Maharishi's Reading the Vedic Literature Program
2020 Suettmann, Margot Quality of Attention of the Mother in Infancy and Early Childhood Sets the Stage for Development throughout the Child’s Life
2019 Wolfe, Elinor Farrin Maharishi Vedic Science on the Origin and Range of Dharma: Enlivening Life in Accord with Natural Law in Contemporary Society through the Intervention of Transcendental Meditation
2018 Loiselle, Marie Ellen Academic Physician Burnout and Transcendental Meditation: A Mixed Methods Randomized Controlled Trial
2018 Noble, Krista Rochelle Addressing the Shortcomings of Physicalism: The Consciousness-Based Paradigm of Maharishi Vedic Science
2018 Windenberger, Sabine Growth of Consciousness through a Systematic Program of Reading Vedic Literature in Conjunction with the Extended Practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programs of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
2017 Gobec, Sonja The Effects of Maharishi Yoga Asanas on Happiness, Mood States, and Experiences during Transcendental Meditation Practice
2016 Aoki, Karen Martha Investigating the Therapeutic Effects of Reading the Vedic Literature
2016 Delfiner, Adam  Transcending OCD: Studying the effects of Transcending Through the Transcendental Meditation Technique On Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
2015 Svenson, Eric Johan Experiences from Participants in Large-Scale Group Practice of the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programs and Parallel Principles of Quantum Theory, Astrophysics, Quantum Cosmology, and String Theory: Interdisciplinary Qualitative Correspondences
2014 Goldstein, Leslee Ruth Faitler The Effect of the Transcendental Meditation® Technique on Self-Efficacy, Perceived Stress, and Quality of Life in Mothers in Uganda: A Model of Empowerment From Within
2014 Hensley, Park Maharishi Vedic Science and the Upānga as a Framework for Scientific Methodology
2011 Eason, Rod Growth of Consciousness Through a Systematic Program of Reading Vedic Literature in Conjunction with the Vedic Calendar
2011 Narayanan, Vijayakumari Research in Consciousness and Reading the Vedic Literature: An Integrated Program Offered by Maharishi Vedic Science for the Development of Consciousness Through Vedic Sound
2010 Oates, Robert M. Jr. Consciousness and the quantum: Maharishi’s self-interacting dynamics of consciousness as the interpretation of quantum mechanics
2009 Kinzel, Ria Miller The use of an analytical model based on the sixteen elements of Nyaya in teaching English literature with middle and high school students in consciousness-based education
2008 Brown, Susan May Unity and diversity in Maharishi Vedic Science(SM), higher states of consciousness, and a study of undergraduate student development
2008 Hebert, John Russell Restructuring consciousness theory from its foundation in light of Maharishi Vedic Science
2007 King, Jeams Lynwood Fundamentals of Maharishi Vedic Science
2007 Toomey, Mark The effects of the Transcendental Meditation program on carotid atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease risk factors in Native Hawaiians
2006 Freund, Peter F. Vedic literature reading curriculum
2005 Finkelstein, Evan I. Universal principles of life expressed in Maharishi Vedic Science and in the scriptures and writings of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
2005 Richards, William Thom Additions to John L. Holland's theory of career choice and development based on Maharishi Vedic Science
2004 McQuiston, Tina Colleen The Maharishi program for reading Vedic literature: Results utilizing the technology of Vedic sound in the light of Prachetanā
2004 Oates, Patricia Ferguson The program of reading Vedic literature in Maharishi Vedic Science: Fundamental principles and application
2004 Pohlman, David Matthew Unfolding spiritual potential through the Transcendental Meditation and & TM -Sidhi programs and reading Vedic literature
2004 Wegman, Keith Stewart Applying the principal educational methodology of Maharishi Vedic Science—the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation program and Maharishi's program of reading the Vedic literature—for accelerated development of higher states of consciousness characterized by life in accord with natural law
2002 de Freitas, Graham Anthony A case study of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's program for reading Vedic literature: Revealing the effect of Vedic sounds on growth towards higher states of consciousness, enhanced intuition, and increasingly refined poetic expression
2002 Pearson, Craig Alan The supreme awakening: Maharishi's model of higher states of consciousness applied to the experiences of individuals through history
2000 Hankey, Deborah Ann The awakening of full human potential through Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Vedic Science: Research on the experience of reading the Vedic literature
2000 Hatchard, Guy David Maharishi Vedic economy: Wholeness on the move
1999 Ramberg, Jan Bengt Tonnes The effects of reading the Vedic literature on personal evolution in the light of Maharishi Vedic Science and technology
1997 Freeman, Marci Tanner Enlivening Veda in consciousness and physiology by reading the Vedic literature in conjunction with the experience of the Transcendental Meditation(RTM) and TM-Sidhi(RTM) programs of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
1997 King, Michael Sandford Nature's intelligence or human reason? Natural law in Maharishi's Vedic Science and in legal and ethical thought
1996 Beall, Richard Arthur Development and evaluation of Maharishi Science of Creative Intelligence curriculum for secondary education
1996 Bonshek, Anna Jean Art: A mirror of consciousness. Applying universal principles in art and theory on the basis of the description of pure consciousness, the universal source of individual consciousness, history, culture, language and art, according to Maharishi's Vedic Science, with an analysis of the Vastusutra Upanishad
1996 Kleinschnitz, Anne Christy Chapin Reading the Vedic literature: The approach in Maharishi's Vedic Science for accelerating the development of consciousness
1994 Muehlman, John M. Maharishi's Vedic Mathematics at the elementary level: Improving achievement, affect, and mental mathematics through Vedic sutra-based computation
1994 Sands, William Franklin Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Government in the "Valmiki Ramayana"
1991 Fergusson, Lee Campbell Maharishi's Vedic Science and post-secondary art education