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SCI and TM Book Collection

Maharishi Books: Click on image to access cataloging record. Short book description with citation below.

Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Defense: Sovereignty in Invincibility
Fullness of life: The foundations of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence
A research guide to the literature of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the media: A sourcebook of historical documents
Enlightenment to every individual: Invincibility to every nation
First World Assembly on Law, Justice and Rehabilitation
Creating an ideal society: A global undertaking
Maharishi’s master plan to create heaven on earth : overview of 1500-page document.
Thirty years around the world: Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment: Volume 1
Maharishi smriti granth
Celebrating the dawn: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the TM technique
Science of Creative Intelligence for secondary education: First-year course: Theme: perceiving the fullness of life: Student coursebook
Science of Creative Intelligence for secondary education: Three-Year curriculum
Maharishi International University: Catalogue 1973/74
Maharishi International University: Catalogue 1974/75

Maharishi Books Description With Citation