Use the web source category when no other source category (eg. blog post, journal article, newspaper article, book) fits a work. Wikipedia and other online encyclopedias and dictionaries should be cited as reference works.
Create a reference for each page or article you use from a website. If you mention an entire website in general, no reference is needed, only include the URL in-text parentheses.
General Rule:
Author. (Last updated date, if no date use n.d.). Title of page. Name of Website. http://www.xxxxx
Group Author:
American Psychological Association. (2012). Ethics.
Note: When the group author name is the same as the website, you do not need to include the name of the website.
Individual Author:
Rowan, L (2019, December 17) Our most popular money advice for 2019. Lifehacker.
Only cite original content from social media sites, such as posts, images, or videos. Cite the original source of any linked content.
General Rule:
Author, A. A. [username]. (Year, month, day). Content of the post up to the first 20 words [Description of audiovisuals]. Site Name. Retrieved Month day, year, from URL
WVU Libraries [@wvuLibraries]. (2020, January 13). Before the PRT, did you know that Morgantown used to
have streetcars? Here is one on the corner of Pleasant [Photo attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.
Facebook post:
WVU Libraries. (2020, January 15). The Local to Global Film Series is on hiatus in January, but we’ve put
together a list of a few [Thumb-nail with link attached]. Facebook.