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APA 7th Edition Citation Style Guide


General Rule:

Last-name, First-initial. (Year). Title of book. Publisher Name. DOI Link or URL

  • No need to include the DOI if referring to a print copy of a book, or an ebook from a database that does not include a DOI.
  • If the author and publisher are the same leave off the publisher name. 


Gelfand, H., Walker, C. J., & American Psychological Association. (2002). Mastering APA style: Student's

workbook and training guide.

Moed, H. (2005) Citation analysis in research evaluation. Springer.

Reagan, R. (2005). Citing unpublished opinions in federal appeals. Federal Judicial Center.

Book Chapter

General Rule:

Last-name, First-initial. (Year). Title of chapter. In First-initial. Last-name-of-editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. pages of chapter). Publisher Name. DOI or URL link

  • For a chapter in an authored book, create a reference for the whole book and provide the chapter number in the text.


Folman, S. & Connor, U. (2005) Writing from sources in two cultural contexts. In T. Kostouli (Ed.), Writing in context(s): Textual practices and learning processes in sociocultural settings. (pp. 165-184) Springer.

Entry in a Reference Work

General Rule:

 Author. (Year). Title of entry. In Title of reference work (# ed). Publisher. DOI or URL 

  • For online reference works that are continually updated and are not archived use "n.d." as the year and include a retrieval date. 
  • If the author and publisher are the same leave off the publisher name. 


American Psychological Association. (2010). Crediting sources. In Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed, pp. 169-192).

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Culture. In dictionary. Retrieved September 9, 2019, from


How to cite Wikipedia:

Cite the archived version of the article. To get to to the archived version, select "view history" at the top of the article and select the time and date of the version you used. Use the date and permanent URL for the archived version in your citation.


APA style. (2019, December 22). In Wikipedia.